Thursday, June 25, 2009

What to practice

Sometimes I go for periods of time without playing and then when I do play it will be for hours. I think it is better to stay consistent and practice each day. In this way you build upon lessons and your strength and technique improve incrementally. I think a great thing to practice is to record comping some chord progressions and then playing and soloing over them. You can also use backtracks to play over from software. Purchase a Jazz fake or real book and learn to play over these progressions. Learn the melody and break down the chord progressions into scales and modes. Learn to play around the melody and use phrasing and licks.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


One of the toughest things is practicing consistantly and deciding what to practice on. Are you being productive with your practice time or are you spinning your wheels playing the same thing over and over. There is no magic formula but I have been thinking alot lately on how I can be the most productive I can be given limited practice time. These are my current thoughts concerning practice and they may change in the future as I make new distinctions.
Most important is being consistant. It is like working out and to develop muscle memory and build strength or build anything you have to be consistant. Once in awhile will not help you near as much as consistant practice
play what you dont know instead of always playing what you know over and over.
Play to backtracks or your own comped chords and work on improv. It can take years to get good at improvisation and to develop your ear so start now.