Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Guitar Tip #3-Makes sure u learn how to play by ear. Play what u sing, Play to ur favorite music and pay attention to what guitar notes sound good and which ones dont. Notice the difference in sound beetween minor chords and Major. Learn the major scale all over the guitar fret board. By learning Major scale u will naturally learn the relavant minor which starts three half steps below. Other forms of minor will be shown later if u dont know them. U will learn quick the pentatonic scale by knowing the major scale.
For know do guitar exercise 1 and 2 daily. Also practice playing and creating a nice sound.
Practice switching chords quick and still have a nice sound, this is actually done by playing slow and slowy increaseing speed. Focus on learning to make a nice guitar sound and having smooth transitions from chord to chord. Learn these chords first cause they are all built upon the C major scale and utilise the most open strings. M=major and m=minor-CM,dm,em,FM,GM,am,bm,and back to CM. Learn 2-3 at a time.


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